Thursday 28 June 2007

Which housemate has shamed their family and friends the most?

Besides revealing to the world why welsh sheep are more popular than women, apparently the after sex conversations are much more stimulating! The beautifully vacuous mannequin that is imogen, has done very little to shame herself or her family during her stay in the house, and can be assured of a hearty welcome back in the valleys on her upcoming return to national obscurity.
Embarrassment rating 0/10

Mikey may be scouse, but despite this, he has constantly failed to embarrass his family and friends during his big brother experience. On the contrary. With his nightly exploration of Grace’s lady garden, Mikey has ensured he will become a living legend on his return to the northern dole queue. Or at least until the start of BB 8. When the next token liverpudlian Mr nice guy, is once again thrown into the big brother cauldron.
Embarrassment rating 1/ 10

A fairly non committal housemate, who regularly shames her family and friends every time she removes her make up. However, her refusal to join in any of the constant name calling and back stabbing should stand her in good stead on her impending return to the gutter of society.
Embarrassment rating 2/10

As the only person in Britain capable of making Harry potter look like an asbo case. Wales’s head boy got off to a bad start by entering the house dressed as a life guard, revealing a body that even a corpse would have been ashamed of, since then, the welsh wonder kid has continued to embarrass his family and friends every time he opens his mouth. Luckily, as most of them are very similar in intellect to Glyn, they probably haven’t even noticed.
Embarrassment rating 3/10

As well as providing a refreshing touch of culture to the big brother house, Lisa has also managed to dispel the myth that northern birds are loud, brash and ignorant, as for her embarrassment rating. When her mother was asked how she thought her daughter had portrayed herself over the last few weeks. She was heard to reply " she’s done f$$king brilliant, Lisa is a tw$$ting great housemate, f$$king ace man, f$$king mint, and if anyone’s says different ill take a sh$t down their f$$king throat, you get me?"
Embarrassment rating 4/10

Despite regularly wearing a flamboyant hat, in the vain hope of making himself appear outrageous, Richard has had a fairly quiet time in the house so far with very few embarrassing moments. In fact. As his bottom licking and bitchiness gains momentum over the coming weeks, Richard will no doubt score himself massive man points in the gay community. Thus ensuring a cheery reception from his family and friends during his inevitable eviction.
Embarrassment rating 5/10

Apart from the occasional well timed shout of W.A.N.K.E.R. big brothers bondage expert has done his family very little harm in the embarrassment stakes! How his mother must burst with pride every time she passes a gang of teenage girls in the street and hears them asking "Pete? Isn’t he the one with the 12 inch c0ck who likes being led around on a dog lead wearing a gimp mask?"
Embarrassment rating 6/10

Whilst continually being portrayed as the most evil woman in history. The flat faced, flat chested, upper class socialite, will have done herself no end of good with her constant back stabbing and bitchiness during her big brother stay. Viewed as endearing qualities amongst the gentry set, there can be no doubt that grace has done her family and friends proud, and as such, she can also look forward to a steady stream of parents eager to enroll their children at her school of dance. Hoping that a few of Grace’s more pleasant qualities will rub off on their impressionable offspring.
Embarrassment rating 7/10

Having entered the house with her genitalia flapping around like a pair of net curtains during a strong breeze. The anorexic stick insects embarrassment rating couldn’t have reached any higher, however since then, Nikki`s constant gurning, and prepubescent tantrums have meant the all forgiving British public have taken the elfin faced munchkin back into their bosom. Thus guaranteeing herself a regular spit roasting by premiership footballers up and down the country, as she desperately tries to keep herself in the media spotlight once evicted.
Embarrassment rating 8/10

As the only women alive who can make bet lynch look petite, the world’s most hideous porn star apparently entered the house hoping to make her son feel proud. Unfortunately, as her once obscure film has now been seen by every schoolboy in Britain. The 57 year old, bulldog faced trout, has inadvertently guaranteed her son a lifetime of bullying and abuse. Throw in the deep throating of a carrot, French kissing a boy, French kissing a girl, and her obsessive stalking of a well hung tourrette`s sufferer, and the big breasted Amazonian troll will no doubt be staggered to learn upon her eviction. That her 10 year old son has changed his name, packed his bags, and taken himself down to social services for immediate adoption!
Embarrassment rating, immeasurable!

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